01 Sep 2017

Avolon continues support for BITE / Maureen Smithwick Academic Scholarship

Avolon contributed a further €10,000 to the Maureen Smithwick Academic Scholarship Bursary in September to provide funding towards their academic scholarship programme in Trinity Comprehensive, Ballymun.

Avolon contributed a further €10,000 to the Maureen Smithwick Academic Scholarship Bursary in September to provide funding towards their academic scholarship programme in Trinity Comprehensive, Ballymun. The scholarship is co-ordinated by the Ballymun Initiative for Third Level Education (BITE) and managed by a scholarship committee with representatives from Trinity Comprehensive School and the local Community & Voluntary Sector. Avolon’s continuing support will fund scholarships to students over a three-year programme.

The scholarship has had an amazing impact on the lives of the students and teachers in Trinity Comprehensive, where the work ethic and self-belief of an entire school has changed for the better. The scholarship does not receive any direct government funding and Avolon is the programme’s first corporate partner.

For additional information on the Ballymun Initatitve for Third Level Education, please visit their website at http://www.biteballymun.com/index.html

For Further Information Please Contact

David Breen / Joe Brennan
Avolon Investor Relations
[email protected]
T: +353 1 231 5800

Douglas Keatinge
Avolon Head of Communications
[email protected]
T: +353 86 037 4163

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