16 Jun 2019


The club was founded in 1972 and has maintained a steady level of athletes and performance over the years.

The club delivers over 36 hours of pool time coached per week and 6 Hours in the Gym which equates to some 60 hours of coaching manhours over 7 days. Each session has a parent on duty and across swim galas. Annually there are around 10 galas per squad/season equating to c. 1000+ additional man hours required to deliver competition requirements when our athletes compete.

TEAM TSC’s motto is Fun, Fast, Fearless. The coaches encourage the kids to constantly strive for improvement and focus on the fact that attitude and hard work is more important than talent.

The team always debrief after every training session and gala and celebrate any improvements while highlighting further training requirements and focusing the athletes to help them achieve their goals.

Most of the junior swimmers attend single sex schools, at the club they train both boys and girls together, they socialise together and this is a really significant for D&I.

The club was thrilled to win Swim Ireland Club of the Year 2018, this is the first time the club has ever won the award and the competition from the other 32 counties was stiff.

Avolon’s support means that Team TSC can now purchase Tempo Trainers for the top two squads and new digital pace clocks for the pool deck.

Their top athlete (17) is currently 0.2 seconds from the Irish women’s 100metre butterfly record. To see the top swimmer reach top International and Olympic level would be an enormous incentive to all the younger athletes and ensure the continued growth and sustainability of this wonderful club.

Avolon supports the Irish Youth Foundation at Bloomsday Bike Rally and Lunch
Avolon competes at the Inner City Helping Homeless tag rugby competition.