29 Dec 2015

Avolon Partners with DIPC in Development of Primary School Piano Education Program

In December 2015, Avolon partnered with the Dublin International Piano Committee (DIPC) to further the DIPC’s “Music – A Key to Another World” Program, launched in 2015.

DIPC In December 2015, Avolon partnered with the Dublin International Piano Competition (DIPC) to further the DIPC’s “Music – A Key to Another World” Program, launched in 2015. The Key to Another World Program is designed to introduce the piano to primary school students, the piano being an instrument that young children may focus on, and low-cost option for schools seeking to integrate musical education into their curriculum.   The Program educates primary school teachers in the milestones in the development of a young pianist and enables the student-teachers to integrate the program into their schools. The Program includes an educational pack developed by DIPC personnel as well as free-sourced multimedia clips to assist aural learning, and is designed to allow the student-teachers to integrate the materials into their primary school classes. 2015 saw the roll-out of the Program to the Church of Ireland College of Education (CICE), and focused on giving CICE student-teachers the tools to facilitate the musical development of their pupils. The pilot year was a massive success, with all but one CICE student-teacher completing the Program. Avolon is delighted to help usher in the second year of the Program, which will focus on the development of a series of videos with both pedagogical and entertainment aspects, allowing teachers and pupils to continue study of the piano following completion of the Program. Video production is currently under way, and we look forward to their launch early this year!

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