05 Apr 2016

Avolon partners with St James’ CBS through the Business in the Community Ireland, School’s Business Partnership

The programme focuses on encouraging student to stay in school and to recognise the value of completing their education

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]BITC_alt[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In March 2016 Avolon were partnered with St James’ CBS through the Business in the Community, Schools’ Business Partnership. The programme focuses on encouraging student to stay in school and to recognise the value of completing their education – employees assist students to understand the practical elements of employment such as applying for jobs, presenting for interviews and being a good employee. In April 2016 our partnership was launched with 30 students from St James’ CBS coming into the Avolon office to see what a day in the life of an Avolon employee looks like. On Day One, the students were given an insight into the world of aviation and more specifically what it is we do in Avolon. The students participated in “Speed Interviewing” with staff members and were provided the opportunity to ask questions and learn about every sector of the business including credit, logistics, leadership, finance and technical. BITC 3_alt Day two started with eight staff members travelling to St. James’ CBS to give a presentation on Teamwork and Communication. The boys were split into teams of five and each group was provided with materials which included either straws, masking tape or spaghetti and jelly babies. Their brief was to build the tallest structure using the materials provided in 25 minutes. The results were interesting and the main lesson learned was that teams which communicated and worked together, produced the more impressive structures. The ultimate test was to see whether the final product could stand the test of time by holding a tennis ball in the case of the straw tower, or a balloon if the group had built a spaghetti structure. The students really got involved and if the noise levels were anything to go by they all really enjoyed the test! At the end of the day, staff members discussed the importance of teamwork and communication using the day’s activity as their example. How these skills are employed in Avolon was also a huge topic of the day. The Avolon staff were delighted to receive a huge number of questions and interaction from the students. This was in no way aided by the reward of sweets for anyone who asked a question! The students were fantastic to work with and what remains to be seen is who enjoyed it more - the Avolon staff or the 5th year students. Needless to say, Avolon are looking forward to the new school term where we can continue to build upon our relationship with the student of St. James’ CBS.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="6403,6404,6405,6406,6407,6408,6409,6410,6411" img_size="130x87" el_class="jvGallery"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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