13 Apr 2018

Skills @ Work

Skills @ Work Initiative 2018

On the morning of April 13 th , Avolon welcomed 17 Transition Year students from James’ Street CBS to the Oval for part one of the Skills @ Work initiative. The programme provides senior cycle students with insights into the world of work and the opportunity to consider the many and varied career and study options open to them when they finish school. Research has shown that if a student sees the link between education and work, then they are more likely to complete their education to Leaving Certificate and beyond.

DSLA set the tone for the remainder of the morning by providing an inspiring presentation with some great advice in how to progress in life. Conor Hillick, Melvin Kelly, Coleman Byrne, Denise Peppard, Pat Coady and Larry Mayers (by video) spoke about their careers to date and the paths they took from school and college to their current roles in Avolon today. Life lessons and experience in the aviation industry where shared with plenty of question and answer time where even the volunteers learnt a thing or two.

This session was followed by mock interviews which was possibly the first interview for many of the student. The students were extremely nervous but the preparation paid off and they made great impressions on the interviewers – more generous Avolon volunteers. The session wrapped up with plenty of pizzas before sending the students back to school for regular afternoon classes.

Part two of the initiative took place on May 16 th at James’ Street CBS. The students were presented with certificates of participation and a copy of ‘Pioneers and Aviators’ was presented to the school for the library. The students gave a lovely presentation showing how the relationship between Avolon and James’ Street CBS has progressed over the years.

“I was planning on leaving school and getting an apprenticeship as a plumber but after the Sills @ Work programme I intend on staying in school and completing my leaving cert”: One Students feedback.

“This is the ultimate end game in terms of the reason why we do this programme and, if looking for measurable impact of the programme, it really doesn’t get much better!”: Business in the Community Coordinator feedback.

It is safe to safe, everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed the initiative and we look forward to participating in the initiative again next year.

Great Ethiopia Run
Avolon supports Connect2