24 May 2019
Annual Golf Classic for DUBLIN RAPE CRISIS CENTRE 2019
The event took place at Castle Golf Club with 25 teams playing. Avolon’s donation paid for all running costs so 100% of the resources from participating teams will be used for frontline services. The event was a great success with proceeds over €25,000.
Ongoing media reporting of rape and sexual assault cases and the #MeToo campaign have greatly heightened awareness of sexual violence. As a result, there is an ever increasing demand for DRCC services. The proceeds from the Golf Classic will enable them to offer additional appointments, being in a position to recruit a new part-time therapist. This will alter the lives of many on the waiting list, who with counselling and care will heal from their trauma. We cannot change what they have experienced and lived through, we can help them move forward to positive and healthy futures.
‘We remain dependent on your continued support of our work. As well as the financial benefits your endorsement certainly encourages other corporates to look at us differently. We are proud to be associated with Avolon and your corporate values, please be assured it makes a big difference. It is always worth re-stating that our work costs more than the State support we receive and we must acquire circa €400,000 through fundraising.
We wish you continued success at Avolon and look forward to a continued partnership in the future.’