16 Apr 2015

Avolon donates used IT equipment to Camara

In April 2015, Avolon presented Camara Education with a suite of computers and other IT equipment for onward use in schools and community groups in Ireland and abroad.

2015-04-16-14.16.45Alt.jpg In April, Avolon presented Camara Education with a suite of computers and other IT equipment for use in schools and community groups in Ireland and abroad. Camara is a registered charity in Ireland, the UK and the US whose mission is to improve education and livelihood skills for disadvantaged communities around the world through reuse of technology. Avolon provided over 30 computers, as well as monitors, screens, keyboards and accessories. Camara estimates each computer donated will defer the release of 300kg of carbon emissions and improve the digital literacy of 21 children in the computer’s ultimate home. Using its social enterprise model, Camara works with schools and community groups in Ireland, Africa and the Caribbean to deliver computers, maintenance contracts, teacher training and recycling services at the end of a computer’s useful life. Since its inception in 2005, Camara has delivered over 60,000 computers, trained 12,000 teachers, set up 2,500 eLearning centers, and offset carbon emissions by an estimated 34,200 tons in total. For additional information, please visit the Camara website at http://camara.org/ Camara-3_alt Camara-1_alt

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