12 Sep 2015

Avolon staff support the GOAL Syria emergency appeal

In response to the humanitarian crisis facing thousands of Syrian refugees making their way across European borders, Avolon arranged a collection of essential items for use in the most affected areas.

Syria Aid Appeal In response to the humanitarian crisis facing thousands of Syrian refugees making their way across European borders, Avolon arranged a collection of essential items for use in the most affected areas. The intra-office collection resulted in 20 bags of critically necessary items for the autumn and winter months, particularly warm clothing and bedding, which GOAL transported to high volume border crossings in October. Avolon also donated €3,000 directly to GOAL’s Syria programme, which is the largest giving program in GOAL’s history. Since 2012, GOAL has been a leading charity in Syria with current projects benefitting over 2 million people. These include delivering food and non-food items such as blankets, supporting bakeries to increase the availability of affordable bread, repairing houses, rehabilitating water networks to provide safe water, and supporting livelihoods. For further information on GOAL, please visit https://www.goalglobal.org/. Syria Aid Appeal

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