10 Sep 2015

Avolon support the StructureTone Charity Golf Classic

On a sunny September day, Avolon staff took part in the StructureTone Charity Golf Classic to raise funds for the Sundance Kids, Michael and Ned Hickey.

Structuretone Golf Classic On a sunny September day, Avolon staff took part in the StructureTone Charity Golf Classic to raise funds for the Sundance Kids, Michael and Ned Hickey. Michael (2 and ½ years old) and Ned (1 and ½ years old) have recently been diagnosed with Cerebal Palsy. Michael has been selected for a procedure called selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR), a surgical procedure that will ease muscle rigidity and improve mobility in patients. With the help of the surgery Michael will be able to take his first independent footsteps pain-free. Structuretone Golf Classic Following on from the success of the golf tournament, the Sundance Kids have raised their target of $120,000 that will enable Michael to travel to St. Louis Children’s hospital, Missouri, USA later this year to undergo this life changing surgery. To follow Michael’s and Ned’s journey, please visit http://www.thesundancekids.ie/.

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