05 Sep 2016
Avolon supports the Annual IFSC Inner City Trust Golf Outing
Avolon continued their support of the I.F.S.C. Dublin Inner City Trust by sponsoring their Annual Golf Outing which took place on September 5, 2016.
Avolon continued their support of the I.F.S.C. Dublin Inner City Trust by sponsoring their Annual Golf Outing which took place on September 5, 2016. This was the second year of Avolon’s sponsorship with funds raised from the event, amounting to €17,500. The IFSC Inner City Trust supports a variety of community projects within Dublin’s north inner city, with an emphasis on education. At the event, it was noted that St Audoen’s National School set up a hot breakfast program for their pupils, using donations from the Trust. The Trust seeks to identify those groups that strive to divert young people in these communities away from drugs and crime. In this context, the Trust has recently provided support to the following projects:
- Project ‘Fun Direction’, which provides sporting opportunities and health and well-being training for young girls in the deprived inner city communities.
- The Dublin Adult Learning Centre;
- Mendicity Institution’s English language training course;
- Five Lamps Art Festival promoting social inclusion; and
- The North Wall Community Association