01 Jul 2015

Finance Team “Change” and “Give up a Leg” initiatives

In early July 2015, the Finance Team launched two initiatives for Avolon staff. The first initiative was to collect spare change and foreign currency from employees and to donate this money to charitable causes.

Barretstown In early July 2015, the Finance Team launched two initiatives for Avolon staff. The first initiative was to collect spare change and foreign currency from employees and to donate this money to charitable causes. A member of the Finance team liaised with other charities and found a way of converting coins and notes into Euros without incurring huge transaction costs. A see-through collection box was installed in the Avolon office and those with remaining currency from their travels or lying about at home could deposit it in the box. The first charity chosen was Barretstown, a fun camp for children with cancer and other serious illnesses. Over €600 was collected for this worthwhile charity and was donated as part of the “Greenhouse Project”. With the help of Hannon Travel, the second initiative, “Give a Leg Up” was introduced. The idea was that an employee could decide to fly economy, instead of business class, for one leg of his/her long-haul journey. Avolon would pay the business class fare, Hannon Travel would book the economy class travel and would set aside the difference between the two fares into a special fund for charities. On one transatlantic trip alone €975 was donated to the fund. This initiative has the potential to make substantial cash for charities if it “takes off”. The hope is that it does and the programme could be extended to other aircraft leasing companies in Ireland. http://www.barretstown.org/

Dublin Rape Crisis Golf Day
Avolon proudly supports Team Ireland at the Special Olympics in Los Angeles