26 Apr 2019

Treasury CARE Day – Celtic Foundation – Ability Counts

As part of the ongoing partnership between Avolon and the Celtic Foundation, a number of Avolon employees took part in a CARE day in association with the Celtic Foundations Ability Counts program which launched in Ireland this year.

By way of background, Celtic FC Foundation’s Ability Counts project was initially developed in consultation with Down’s Syndrome Scotland in 2010 and launched in February 2011. Ability Counts is grounded on a simple model of inclusivity, companionship and most importantly fun. Through physical activity, sport and team-based play, the sessions allow participants a sense of freedom, affording them opportunities to express their feelings in a relaxed comfortable environment. Initially engaging young people with Down’s Syndrome, the project’s range of delivery has steadily evolved over the years. Expanding in 2015 to include those living with Autism, this growth continued in 2017 with the introduction of Ability Counts 18+, which provides a pathway for participants and others of adult age to learn skills around employability and mature learning.  

It was clear from the day and from the feedback from the parents who attended that this program has genuinely made a huge difference to these families. The children’s concentration improved, they are interacting much better in group settings and with their siblings and most importantly are happier and more confident. It was one of the most rewarding days I have experienced and I would like to personally thank CARE for helping to make it possible.

The day was a huge success and received nothing but positive feedback from both the participants and volunteers alike. One of the parents and leaders of the program has contacted me directly about doing another event up in Donegal, some of the families from Donegal travelled 6 hours to attend the CARE day in Dublin.

Avolon assists VIVA in supporting livestock farmers in developing countries
Avolon becomes a member of Ireland’s Social Innovation Fund.