10 Aug 2015
Avolon donated €5,000 to the Vita Project
Avolon has donated €5,000 to “Vita”, an Irish international development agency working with partners in Africa through their field offices in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Kenya. Vita's programmes support communities in fighting hunger, as well as climate change.
Avolon has donated €5,000 to “Vita”, an Irish international development agency working with partners in Africa through their field offices in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Kenya. Vita's programmes support communities in fighting hunger, as well as climate change. Their business model focuses on developing programmes in partnership with local governments, farmer’s groups, women’s groups, national and international agencies and expert groups. Vita enables and empowers rural households and communities in Africa to build sustainable livelihoods. Their programmes impact on the lives of thousands of families through their innovative food and energy security work. Avolon’s donation will be used to part finance a project located in the Dita and Chencha districts of the Gama Gofa zone in Ethiopia. Additional information on Vita’s projects can be found at http://www.vita.ie/