07 Aug 2018

Family Support Services

The Family Support Services aims to provide a flexible, supportive, responsive and nurturing service for individuals with an intellectual disability and their families within their own home and/or local community.

The Family Support Services aims to provide a flexible, supportive, responsive and nurturing service for individuals with an intellectual disability and their families within their own home and/or local community.

The Family Support Services offers an alternative model for short breaks, respite and family support services which aspires to meet the individual needs of each person and their families.

The Family Support Services include:

  • In-Home Supports
  • Home Sharing
  • Contract Families
  • Shared Living
  • After School Groups 
  • Holiday Projects
  • Drama Groups 
  • Individualised Service Provision


Avolon’s generous donation enabled the Family Support Services to offer Holiday Project days to a larger number of children with an intellectual and physical disability during August 2018. The Holiday Projects offer each child, young person and their families a respite break during the summer holidays. The Holiday projects also provide the opportunity for each child and young person the opportunity to enjoy going on various outings and trips, participation in sports, arts, crafts and activities, and the opportunity to spend time with new and old friends.

Asha Jyothi Handicapped Welfare Society
Sporting Proud