01 Oct 2020


Avolon donated €25k to Vita, a key charity partner for the last 3 years

Avolon donated €25k to Vita, a key charity partner for the last 3 years, for a specific program which will focus primarily on women and their families, bringing sustainable change to their lives by reducing activities that tend to limit their access to education and work.
The programme focuses on three main strands:

1. Fetching wood and water:
Providing families access to Vita’s improved cook stoves & setting up or repairing water pumps in rural villages, Vita reduce the thankless and backbreaking task of gathering wood to fuel traditional cook stoves used to both cook food and boil dirty water. The programme has massive health benefits and liberates so much time for women and their daughters that can be used to generate an income or to educate themselves.

2. Independent income generation & 3) Diverse and consistent nutrition:
Women need to be able to earn their own income and be financially independent if they and their families are to thrive. These funds were used to support Vita in establishing a fruit, vegetable and poultry programme to teach women how to grow different crops and care for poultry, enabling them to provide diverse nutrition for their families across the seasons while selling the surplus eggs, bananas, etc in the local market and generating an income.

Peter McVerry Care Day
Making Connections